Submit your letter

Thank you for being open to sharing your love letter. I appreciate it more than I’ll ever be able to express to you. 

Letters can be submitted to

If you have any questions, or need some support with your submission, please let me know by sending a message to the above email.

To submit your letter, please include the following:

  • Your letter in either a Word, Goggle or Plain Text doc.
    This is to ensure that I am able to keep your formatting in tact. If you don't care about your formatting, feel free to send it in the body of the email. 

  • A photo or a visual of some kind to be used as the featured image. You are welcome to send more, which can be added into the body of the letter, but I need at least one for the opening. 

  • Optional content: If you would like to send a video as your letter, or include an mp3 of yourself reading it, you will need to self host it (youtube, vimeo, ect), and then send me the link to embed it. 

Considerations before you submit, to ensure that this project grows and evolves in love and respect:

  1. Love letters submitted should be written for yourself, from yourself. If you want to write a love letter to someone else, you should do that, but share it with them.

  2. Your love letter should be filled with love, appreciation, kind words, proclamations, but should absolutely not include any hateful words or self depreciation. There are other forums for that. 

  3. Letters should not be too sexually explicit. You can talk about how sexy and fine you are. Feel free to appreciate your body and seductive charm. Naked self portraits that are tasteful and arty, are fine too. Just avoid anything that would be more at home on an X-Rated site. This is not that place.

  4. I reserve the right to decide what is and is not posted. If you submit a post that I feel is not in the spirit of this website, I will let you know and offer some suggestions on how to make it share worthy. 

  5. I reserve the right to make minor spelling and grammatical changes, if needed. 

  6. If a featured image is not submitted along with your letter, I will create one for it.  

Check out and read some love letters submitted, by willing and open hearts. 

read love letters

Looking for inspiration?