
Thoughts and observations from looking out the window. Reflections and lessons learned from moving through and experiencing the world. Words and wisdom from teachers and sages. 

As I read the post I felt myself unable to relate to the words. I checked the date of the original saved document. Exactly 3 years ago today. 

When the unmeasurable is suddenly measured.

June 26, 2022

black and white photo of a woman standing in a river

It doesn’t have to be loudly. It can be quiet and sweet. I think we owe it to ourselves, to find it, for no other reason than for ourselves.

To find your voice, you have to speak.

portrait of the author with her mouth zippered shut

May 25, 2022

Do you ever wonder what would happen, if you had to introduce yourself to your self?

An introduction, that needs no introduction

May 19, 2022

a person sittinging down reaching out to a reflection of herself.

Now that I’ve launched, I almost don’t know where to start, but maybe that’s the point? I think the point is to just start and go from there.

There is never a right time to start

a drawing of someone walking down a rock path with lots of flower

April 15, 2022

This site has been almost finished for months. I’ve been dragging my feet, trying to find the time to get things over the finish line. 

An imperfect launch

April 8, 2022

fingers pushing a large button that says go