From your Self To yourself

To indulge your self with some kind words and appreciation. Words that lift you up and remind you how freaking great you are, because that’s the truth. 

Here is the part where I extend an invitation, to write a love letter to yourself.  

We spend enough time scrutinizing ourselves and all the ways we don’t measure up. That voice that makes us feel small, it loves to yell and distract from the greatness that we are. 

We must make an effort to push back against it, so it doesn’t suck all the joy and delight out of the room. Fight against the voice that wants to keep you in a cage, unable to stretch out into the ether. 

By sharing and speaking words of love and appreciation, it becomes so much easier to tune into the space inside ourself that knows our truth, our heart, our happiness. 

We must speak these words, know these words, and unfold the wisdom inside them. They will set us free from our self imposed limitations. 

This world can be so noisy. Try, even for just a moment, to drown it out with some sweet, soulful words of self appreciation. 

My instinct tells me that it’s probably been awhile. 

That’s okay though, this is a gentle reminder to check back in. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and find your centre, wherever that may be. And if you don’t know where your centre is, find your heart and start there. 

Can I ask you a question?

When was the last time you took a moment to indulge yourself with some kind words and appreciation?

Share a love letter

Would you like to share your love letter? If you feel so inclined, I invite you to share it here, where it can take up space to inspire and delight.

Share the love.

Write a love letter

Don't know where to start? I wrote a handy ‘How to write a love letter’ post, which should give you some helpful prompts and guidance. 

Write some love.

Check out and read some love letters submitted, by willing and open hearts. 

read love letters

Looking for inspiration?